Cross-Chain Operations
Learn how to manage and optimize your DeFi investments across multiple blockchain networks using Difract's cross-chain tools.
Difract's Cross-Chain module enables seamless management of DeFi investments across different blockchain networks, optimizing for yield, gas costs, and security.
Key Features
- Multi-chain portfolio management
- Optimized bridge selection
- Cross-chain yield comparison
- Gas optimization
- Security monitoring
Supported Networks
Difract supports operations across major blockchain networks and Layer 2 solutions.
Layer 1 Networks
- Ethereum
- BNB Chain
- Avalanche
- Solana
- Polygon
Layer 2 Solutions
- Arbitrum
- Optimism
- zkSync
- Starknet
- Base
- Polygon zkEVM
- Gnosis Chain
- Celo
- Harmony
- Fantom
Bridge Operations
Execute cross-chain transfers with optimal bridge selection and cost efficiency.
const bridge = await difract.crossChain.bridge({
asset: "USDC",
amount: "10000",
from: {
chain: "ethereum",
address: "0x1234...5678"
to: {
chain: "polygon",
address: "0x9abc...def0"
options: {
bridgeSelection: "auto", // or specific bridge
optimization: {
gas: true,
time: true,
security: true
maxSlippage: 0.5, // %
maxGas: 100 // GWEI
Cross-Chain Yield Comparison
Compare yield opportunities across different networks to optimize returns.
const comparison = await difract.crossChain.compareYield({
asset: "USDC",
amount: "50000",
chains: [
protocols: {
lending: ["aave", "compound"],
dex: ["uniswap", "curve"]
metrics: {
apy: true,
tvl: true,
risk: true,
gas: true
filters: {
minApy: 5, // %
maxRisk: 7, // score
minTvl: "1000000" // USD
Cross-Chain Portfolio Rebalancing
Automatically rebalance your portfolio across different chains for optimal performance.
const rebalance = await difract.crossChain.rebalance({
portfolio: "portfolio_123",
target: {
ethereum: 40, // %
polygon: 30, // %
arbitrum: 20, // %
optimism: 10 // %
constraints: {
maxSlippage: 1, // %
maxGas: 150, // GWEI
minReturn: 0.1 // %
execution: {
mode: "batch", // or "sequential"
priority: "medium",
gasOptimization: true
safety: {
maxLoss: 2, // %
pauseOnVolatility: true
Cross-Chain Gas Optimization
Optimize gas costs for cross-chain operations across different networks.
const gasStrategy = await difract.crossChain.optimizeGas({
operations: [
type: "bridge",
from: "ethereum",
to: "polygon",
asset: "USDC",
amount: "10000"
type: "swap",
chain: "polygon",
from: "USDC",
to: "MATIC",
amount: "5000"
strategy: {
mode: "aggressive", // or "balanced", "conservative"
maxWaitTime: "1h",
targetGas: {
ethereum: 50, // GWEI
polygon: 100, // GWEI
arbitrum: 0.1 // GWEI
notifications: {
gasThresholds: true,
executionUpdates: true
Cross-Chain Security
Implement security measures for cross-chain operations.
const security = await difract.crossChain.configureSecurity({
bridges: {
whitelist: ["hop", "across", "stargate"],
riskThreshold: 7,
auditRequirement: true
transactions: {
maxValue: "100000", // USD
approvalTimeout: "15m",
confirmations: {
ethereum: 12,
polygon: 256,
arbitrum: 64
monitoring: {
bridgeHealth: true,
networkStatus: true,
alertThresholds: {
delay: "30m",
failure: 3
recovery: {
autoRetry: true,
fallbackBridges: true,
emergencyWithdraw: true