Gas Optimization
Learn how to minimize transaction costs and optimize gas usage across different blockchain networks using Difract's gas optimization tools.
Difract's Gas Optimization module helps you reduce transaction costs and improve the efficiency of your DeFi operations through intelligent gas management strategies.
Key Features
- Gas price prediction
- Transaction batching
- MEV protection
- Cross-chain optimization
- Cost analysis
Gas Optimization Strategies
Choose from different gas optimization strategies based on your needs.
- Off-peak execution
- Historical analysis
- Network congestion
- Priority adjustment
Transaction Batching
- Multi-call optimization
- Contract interaction
- State updates
- Approval management
MEV Protection
- Sandwich protection
- Frontrunning guard
- Private transactions
- Flashbots integration
Gas Price Prediction
Use Difract's gas price prediction model to optimize transaction timing.
const prediction = await difract.gas.predict({
network: "ethereum",
timeframe: {
start: "now",
end: "+24h"
resolution: "15m",
confidence: {
level: 90, // %
range: true
factors: {
historical: true,
pending: true,
network: true,
mempool: true
Transaction Batching
Optimize gas usage by batching multiple transactions together.
const batch = await difract.gas.batchTransactions({
operations: [
type: "approval",
token: "USDC",
spender: "0x1234...5678"
type: "swap",
from: "USDC",
to: "ETH",
amount: "1000"
type: "stake",
protocol: "aave",
asset: "ETH",
amount: "all"
optimization: {
mode: "aggressive",
maxGas: 200, // GWEI
deadline: "1h",
simulation: true
safety: {
slippageCheck: true,
estimateBuffer: 10, // %
revertProtection: true
MEV Protection
Protect your transactions from MEV (Miner Extractable Value) attacks.
const protection = await difract.gas.protectFromMEV({
transaction: {
type: "swap",
from: "ETH",
to: "USDC",
amount: "10"
protection: {
mode: "full", // or "basic", "custom"
methods: [
limits: {
maxGas: 300, // GWEI
maxDelay: "2m",
maxTipPercent: 90 // % of base fee
monitoring: {
sandwichDetection: true,
frontrunTracking: true,
revertOnAttack: true
Gas Cost Analysis
Analyze and optimize your gas costs across different operations.
const analysis = await difract.gas.analyzeCosts({
portfolio: "portfolio_123",
timeframe: "30d",
breakdown: {
byOperation: true,
byNetwork: true,
byProtocol: true,
byAsset: true
metrics: {
totalSpent: true,
averageCost: true,
savings: true,
efficiency: true
optimization: {
suggestions: true,
potential: {
batching: true,
timing: true,
routing: true
reporting: {
format: "detailed",
charts: true,
alerts: {
threshold: 100, // USD
frequency: "daily"
Network-Specific Optimization
Optimize gas usage based on specific network characteristics.
const networkOpt = await difract.gas.optimizeForNetwork({
network: "ethereum",
strategy: {
type: "eip1559",
settings: {
maxFeePerGas: "auto",
maxPriorityFee: {
mode: "competitive",
multiplier: 1.1
conditions: {
baseFeeThreshold: 50, // GWEI
blockUtilization: 80, // %
waitForBlocks: 3
alternatives: {
layer2: true,
sidechain: true,
threshold: {
cost: 50, // USD
time: "10m"