Strategy Builder

Create, test, and deploy automated DeFi investment strategies using Difract's powerful strategy building tools.


The Strategy Builder allows you to create sophisticated DeFi investment strategies that can automatically execute based on market conditions, yield opportunities, and risk parameters.

Key Features

  • Visual strategy builder
  • Strategy backtesting
  • Automated execution
  • Risk management rules
  • Multi-protocol integration

Strategy Components

Build strategies using a combination of triggers, conditions, and actions.


  • Time-based events
  • Price movements
  • APY changes
  • TVL thresholds
  • Gas price conditions


  • Risk thresholds
  • Portfolio balance
  • Market volatility
  • Protocol health
  • Chain conditions


  • Asset allocation
  • Position entry/exit
  • Rebalancing
  • Cross-chain bridges
  • Yield farming

Creating a Strategy

Define your investment strategy using Difract's strategy builder API.

Basic Strategy Example
const strategy = await difract.strategy.create({
    name: "High Yield USDC Strategy",
    description: "Automatically allocate USDC to highest yielding opportunities",
    triggers: [{
        type: "apy_change",
        conditions: {
            asset: "USDC",
            threshold: 2,  // % change
            timeframe: "1h"
    rules: [{
        type: "allocation",
        settings: {
            maxAllocation: 30,  // % per protocol
            minYield: 5,        // % APY
            maxRisk: 7          // risk score
    actions: [{
        type: "rebalance",
        settings: {
            mode: "optimal_yield",
            gasThreshold: 50,  // GWEI
            slippageTolerance: 1  // %

Advanced Strategies

Create more sophisticated strategies with multiple conditions and complex execution logic.

Advanced Strategy Example
const advancedStrategy = await difract.strategy.create({
    name: "Multi-Asset Yield Optimizer",
    assets: ["USDC", "ETH", "WBTC"],
    triggers: [
            type: "time",
            schedule: "0 0 * * *"  // Daily at midnight
            type: "market_volatility",
            conditions: {
                threshold: 20,  // %
                window: "24h"
    rules: [
            type: "risk_management",
            settings: {
                maxDrawdown: 10,     // %
                stopLoss: 5,         // %
                takeProfitAt: 20     // %
            type: "diversification",
            settings: {
                minProtocols: 3,
                maxChainExposure: 40,  // %
                correlationLimit: 0.7
    actions: [
            type: "position",
            conditions: {
                entryTrigger: "optimal_yield",
                exitTrigger: "risk_threshold"
            type: "cross_chain",
            settings: {
                bridgeOptimization: true,
                maxBridgeFee: 0.1  // %
    execution: {
        mode: "active",
        gasOptimization: true,
        priorityLevel: "medium",
        notifications: true

Strategy Backtesting

Test your strategy against historical data before deploying it live.

Backtesting Example
const backtest = await difract.strategy.backtest({
    strategyId: "strategy_123",
    timeframe: {
        start: "2023-01-01",
        end: "2023-12-31"
    parameters: {
        initialCapital: "100000",  // USDC
        rebalancingPeriod: "7d",
        slippageModel: "historical",
        gasModel: "average"
    metrics: [

Strategy Deployment

Deploy your strategy to automatically execute based on your defined conditions.

Deployment Example
const deployment = await difract.strategy.deploy({
    strategyId: "strategy_123",
    mode: "live",
    capital: {
        amount: "50000",
        asset: "USDC"
    execution: {
        priority: "high",
        gasOptimization: true,
        notifications: {
            email: "",
            telegram: "@username"
    monitoring: {
        frequency: "5m",
        healthChecks: true,
        performanceTracking: true
    safetySettings: {
        emergencyStop: true,
        maxLoss: 10,  // %
        cooldownPeriod: "1h"

Strategy Monitoring

Monitor your strategy's performance and receive alerts about important events.

Monitoring Example
const monitor = await difract.strategy.monitor({
    strategyId: "strategy_123",
    metrics: {
        performance: ["returns", "drawdown", "yield"],
        risk: ["exposure", "volatility"],
        operations: ["gas_used", "slippage", "errors"]
    alerts: {
        performance: {
            drawdownThreshold: 5,  // %
            returnDeviation: 10    // %
        risk: {
            exposureLimit: 40,     // %
            volatilityThreshold: 30 // %
        operations: {
            highGas: 100,          // GWEI
            maxSlippage: 2         // %
    reporting: {
        frequency: "daily",
        format: "dashboard"

Next Steps