
Set up comprehensive monitoring for your DeFi investments and operations using Difract's advanced monitoring tools.


Difract's Monitoring module provides real-time tracking and analysis of your DeFi investments, protocol health, and market conditions across multiple networks.

Key Features

  • Real-time portfolio tracking
  • Protocol health monitoring
  • Performance analytics
  • Risk indicators
  • Custom dashboards

Portfolio Monitoring

Track your portfolio performance and positions in real-time.

Portfolio Monitoring Example
const monitor = await difract.monitoring.portfolio({
    wallets: [
    metrics: {
        positions: {
            value: true,
            yield: true,
            risk: true
        performance: {
            returns: true,
            fees: true,
            impermanentLoss: true
        exposure: {
            protocol: true,
            asset: true,
            chain: true
    updates: {
        frequency: "1m",
        websocket: true
    notifications: {
        channels: ["email", "telegram"],
        thresholds: {
            valueChange: 5,    // %
            yieldDrop: 2,      // %
            riskIncrease: 1    // point

Protocol Health Monitoring

Monitor the health and performance of DeFi protocols.

Protocol Monitoring Example
const protocolHealth = await difract.monitoring.protocol({
    protocols: ["aave", "compound", "curve"],
    metrics: {
        tvl: {
            current: true,
            change: "24h",
            threshold: -10  // % alert threshold
        utilization: {
            lending: true,
            liquidity: true,
            threshold: 90   // % alert threshold
        security: {
            smartContract: true,
            governance: true,
            incidents: true
    analytics: {
        trends: true,
        anomalies: true,
        predictions: true
    reporting: {
        frequency: "1h",
        format: "dashboard"

Market Monitoring

Track market conditions and trends affecting your investments.

Market Monitoring Example
const marketMonitor = await{
    assets: ["ETH", "USDC", "WBTC"],
    metrics: {
        price: {
            current: true,
            change: "1h",
            volatility: true
        volume: {
            spot: true,
            dex: true,
            threshold: -50  // % volume drop alert
        liquidity: {
            depth: "1000000",  // USD
            slippage: 1,       // %
            concentration: true
    indicators: {
        technical: ["rsi", "macd", "bollinger"],
        onchain: ["netflow", "whale_activity"],
        sentiment: ["social", "news"]
    correlations: {
        assets: true,
        markets: true,
        window: "30d"

Transaction Monitoring

Monitor the status and performance of your DeFi transactions.

Transaction Monitoring Example
const txMonitor = await difract.monitoring.transactions({
    filters: {
        types: ["swap", "stake", "bridge"],
        status: ["pending", "confirmed", "failed"],
        timeframe: "24h"
    tracking: {
        confirmation: {
            blocks: 12,
            timeout: "30m"
        gas: {
            price: true,
            usage: true,
            optimization: true
        mev: {
            sandwich: true,
            frontrun: true,
            backrun: true
    analysis: {
        costs: true,
        efficiency: true,
        patterns: true
    alerts: {
        pending: "10m",
        failure: true,
        highGas: 200  // GWEI

Custom Dashboards

Create personalized monitoring dashboards for your specific needs.

Dashboard Creation Example
const dashboard = await difract.monitoring.createDashboard({
    name: "DeFi Portfolio Overview",
    layout: {
        type: "grid",
        columns: 3,
        rows: 2
    widgets: [
            type: "portfolio_value",
            position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
            size: { w: 2, h: 1 },
            config: {
                timeframe: "7d",
                breakdown: true
            type: "yield_overview",
            position: { x: 2, y: 0 },
            size: { w: 1, h: 1 },
            config: {
                sortBy: "apy",
                minValue: 1000
            type: "risk_metrics",
            position: { x: 0, y: 1 },
            size: { w: 1, h: 1 },
            config: {
                categories: ["protocol", "market"],
                threshold: 7
            type: "gas_tracker",
            position: { x: 1, y: 1 },
            size: { w: 1, h: 1 },
            config: {
                networks: ["ethereum", "polygon"],
                alerts: true
            type: "transaction_history",
            position: { x: 2, y: 1 },
            size: { w: 1, h: 1 },
            config: {
                limit: 10,
                status: "all"
    refresh: {
        interval: "1m",
        realtime: true
    sharing: {
        public: false,
        team: ["0x4567...8901"]

Next Steps